Monday, November 28, 2022

Tina Rasmussen: Buddha at the Gas Pump

Host Rick Archer, BATGAP, Feb. 26, 2019; Dhr. Seven, Kelly Ani (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Dr. Tina Rasmussen: Buddha at the Gas Pump interview
(BuddhaAtTheGasPump) Further discussion regarding this interview may be found in the BatGap Community Facebook Group. Also see

Diamond Way Buddhism to bodhi
After 20+ years of Buddhist and non-dual practice, in 2003 Dr. Tina Rasmussen, Ph.D., undertook a year-long solo retreat during which awakening (bodhi) occurred. She later
  • ordained as a Theravada Buddhist nun with the world-renowned Burmese Meditation Master Pa Auk Sayadaw,
  • became the first Western woman to attain that path, and
  • was authorized to teach.
Practicing the Jhanas: Concentration Meditation
Dr. Rasmussen has been studied by the Yale Neuroscience Lab for research on the effects of meditation on consciousness and the brain.

She is the co-author (along with her then-husband and fellow-attainer Stephen Snyder) of Practicing the Jhanas: Traditional Concentration Meditation as Presented by the Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, and has been featured on Conscious TV and in Non-duality Magazine.

She is also involved in the Diamond Approach to realization. Dr. Rasmussen teaches students worldwide how to walk the path of the “urban mystic” — functioning from a deep spiritual understanding while living a modern human life.

Dr. Rasmussen has worked in the field of human/organizational development as a consultant/coach for 25+ years, with several published books on humanistic leadership.

Welcome to Yale University's Human Neuroscience Lab (McCarthy Lab,

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