Saturday, November 26, 2022

What about the tantric approach?

LA Tantra says, If we want to experience more love, closeness, vulnerability, and reconnection to our self-love, tantra is one way to do it.

Imagine practicing a seated partner-meditation that would allow for deep healing and growth. Most meditations teach us how to sit and practice mindfulness alone. This reinforces the idea that inner peace is found only in SOLITUDE or what the Buddha called withdrawal (viveka).

True INTIMACY teaches us how to bring mindfulness meditation into RELATIONSHIP with another human being. Why?

Relationships are golden opportunities to do a lot of inner work. And healthy, fulfilling relationships are the cornerstone of a healthy, fulfilling life.

We must learn how to feel energized and connected through relationship rather than overwhelmed or shut down.

This type of mindfulness in relationship will benefit your whole life! Intimacy can be one of the greatest vehicles to personal empowerment and spiritual awakening.

Healing the wound between the masculine and feminine is necessary to support each other and heal the world.

Imagine a group where men and women, singles and couples, and all orientations were welcome to a program about learning how to LOVE and unlocking our intimacy and vulnerability. LA Tantra (Los Angeles, CA) | Meetup

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