Friday, December 9, 2022

100 quotes by the historical Buddha (video)

Relaxation and Learn, 2018; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Be wary of anything attributed to the historical Buddha. There are fake quotes around.

100 quotes by Gautama Buddha
(Relax and Learn) The author these saying is the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama. Katie Haigh is the narrator. Gautama Buddha was also known as Prince Siddharta Gautama, or simply "the Buddha, which means the "Awakened One" or "Enlightened One." Born a prince in Central Asia (Gandhara), he chose a path of wandering ascetism only to realize that extreme austerity was as misguided an illusion as luxurious self-indulgence. He achieved awakening after years of meditation.

The Buddha taught awakening.
(WQ) This great awakening consisted of his rediscovery of the cause of all our suffering and the way to eliminate it. This realization led to the founding of Buddhism (not by the Buddha but by Ven. Maha Kassapa, a prominent enlightened disciple), and the Four Ennobling Truths form the heart of Buddhism's little understood teachings.

All life is not suffering. Rather, all planes of existence are beset by unsatisfactoriness, disappointment, and the inability to fulfill us.

Realizing this, one sets off on the path of letting go of the cause of our suffering, which is threefold: desire, aversion, and delusion.

It is really delusion (wrong view, ignorance) that is at the root of all suffering, but the Buddha points to craving (desire, thirst, tanha) as the cause we can do something about here and now, a lynchpin, realizing that we are clingy and can thereby let go when we see the harm we are doing to ourselves and others.

The realization that there is a state of complete freedom from suffering (nirvana) leads us to pursue the path to this attainment, which is called the Ennobling Eightfold Path. "Noble" (arya) means "enlightened" or "awakened."

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