Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Merry Metal X-mas, Krampus (video)

Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Pat Mac, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit COMMENTARY

Christians in Europe celebrate child tormentor Krampus. Is this their Devil working with Santa?

Hey, pretty boy, did you behave? Obey me!
Northern Europeans are a cold people, unlike the Natives of the Americas. It might have something to do with the weather they endure. That's our guess. Go to the hot countries today and see how warm the people tend to be -- not in every case but as a cultural characteristic. Go north, and watch out, cold blooded/unemotional. Look at the Russians. They know how to kick butt. Must've learned it from their neighbors, the Germans. And the Germans, that's us, inheritors of the NAZI war machine and its criminal masterminds, like those rocket, missile, and nuclear bomb makers we so patriotically claim as our own. Look how we train Boy Scouts, a kind of American Hitler Youth, Nazi kids in form and function, if not racially, molested just like in Catholic/Lutheran Germany. But who pays attention? How did treating kids so badly begin? Western culture, particularly in the cold places, seems to have a lot to do with traumatizing children. Look at the European "Christmas" tradition of Krampus:

Who's Christmas Krampus?
We agree. We hate kids and ruin them.
Krampus is a devilish, horned figure in the Central and Eastern Alpine folklore of Europe who, during the Advent season, scares [the hell out of] children who have been naughty and misbehaved (as all children do). Assisting Christian Saint Nicholas, a.k.a. Coca Cola Corporation's red-robed "Santa Claus," the pair (Krampus and Santa/Satan) visit children one night a year in December.

(King Diamond) In Mercyful Fate style, the Danish originator [Satanist rockstar Kim Bendix Petersen] goes solo for the Xmas anti-classic "No Presents for Christmas." Guess not everyone in Europe enjoys the national holiday.

Catholic Saint Nicholas rewards obedient ("well-behaved") children with modest gifts such as oranges, dried fruit, walnuts, and chocolate, while the disobedient ones are punished by demonic Krampus with birch rod beatings [1] that are sure to make them neurotic and possibly sociopathic in the long run.

The origin of the Yuletide Krampus figure is unclear; some folklorists and anthropologists have postulated it as having pre-Christian/pagan origins [2].

In traditional parades and in such events as the Krampuslauf (English "Krampus run"), young men participate dressed as Krampus and attempt to scare the audience with their boisterous and violent antics [3]. Such events occur annually in most Alpine towns [4].

Krampus is featured on holiday greeting cards called Krampuskarten. The figure has been imported into American popular culture and has appeared in movies, TV, and video games. More

(Halocene) "Carol of the Bells" rock cover by @Halocene feat. @noapologyofficial, Dec. 4, 2020. This song was remastered for 2020. It's Halocene's epic rock spin on the Xmas classic featuring special guest Daria from @noapologyofficial

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