Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Not all ETs and UFOs are nice (video)

Cattle mutilations and beyond: John Lear and "the grand deception" - Part 3
(8 News NOW Las Vegas) Nov. 11, 2019. Investigative journalist George Knapp sits down with the great whistleblower John Lear (who flew for the CIA and lived to tell about it). Their discussion is about the UFO-related phenomenon of cattle mutilations and beyond: John Lear and 'the grand deception' - Part 3.

We'd like to believe Dr. Steven Greer, MD, that all or even the majority of our space relatives are benign and even beneficent. They made us -- sort of, not in an ultimate sense, but these bodies we walk around in on this planet in this evolutionary process. We existed long before in other forms, in the vastness of vastness of what the Dharmic religions call samsara, the endless Wheel of Rebirth. With no discernible beginning and no "end" in sight other than spiritual liberation (moksha), we will carry on, suffering (always dissatisfied and unfulfilled), craving this and that experience, searching for it here and there, through sensual planes like the one we're on, through more sensual fine-material planes (heavenly paradises), and even through supersensual/immaterial worlds, which exist above the tangible and ethereal worlds. (See the 31 Planes of Existence for the simple categorization of innumerable worlds the Buddha spoke about).

Missing 411: UFO connection
Last night on Coast to Coast, former police detective and current paranormal investigator Dave Paulides was on talking about his Missing 411 series. He's come to a conclusion about who or what has been abducting victims in the national parks and around the world in the woods and wildernesses. Rather than a serial killer or Sasquatch (Bigfoot), which may account for a small fraction of the cases, it has been UFOs/ETs. Hear the show at Coast to Coast's website (coasttocoastam.com) or on YouTube at their official page. This sounds like a crackpot conclusion, but if readers know anything about Paulides, he's anything but a crackpot. He has very compelling evidence for finally concluding what has been going on and what's behind the abductions and missing person reports he and his team have compiled.

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