Tuesday, December 20, 2022

This man traveled time for US gov't (video)

Andrew Basiago via Vajrapala, 11/02/13; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Andrew D. Basiago: Project Pegasus and the Advent of Time Travel
(Vajrapala) Lecture at Quality Suites in San Luis Obispo. Project Pegasus is a whistleblower program to expose the CIA and US government's successful time travel program.

The actual device looks like two parentheses.
Attorney and child-participant Andrew Basiago narrates his childhood experiences of time travelling for DARPA's Project Pegasus.

He describes the eight forms of time travel in use by the US government by 1970; explains why children were involved in the program; reveals what future events the US government had prior knowledge of in the early 1970's; and evaluates the policy alternatives pertaining to time travel technology.

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