Friday, December 2, 2022

UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center

Diane Winston heads up the MARC at the University of California at Los Angeles
The month of November is when we can turn our attention to gratitude.

Research shows that those who practice gratitude -- whether through reflection, writing, or in everyday life -- report higher levels of positive emotions and a stronger sense of connection. They also have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and experience fewer feelings of loneliness.

Our mindfulness practice fosters a sense of gratitude and appreciation as we inhabit the present moment more fully and stop “missing our lives.”

When we are feeling grateful, it's difficult to have the opposite emotion. Try being anxious and grateful at the same time. It just doesn't work!

Despite living in challenging times, we can still find things to be grateful for, even if they feel small or insignificant. Consider practicing gratitude at the end of the year.

Write a gratitude list before bed. Include five things to be grateful for. Or reflect on what there is to grateful for at the beginning or end of a daily meditation session. Explore how cultivating more gratitude can impact life.

At UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) we are grateful for all of the people, institutions, and communities that we have collaborated with and who have supported MARC this year.

Please consider donating to MARC ( to sustain the work of making mindfulness widely accessible.

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