Monday, January 23, 2023

5 Foods for Meat and Killing w/ Dave Asprey

Tom Bilyeu, 11/1/22; Pfc. Sandoval, Ash Wells, Ananda (Dharma B Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly
Yum, that was good. We're going to live to be 185 by killing and eating the dead? - Ya'think?

The 5 Foods to Never Eat Again After Watching This | Dave Asprey
(Tom Bilyeu) Nov. 1, 2022. On today's episode: What are we basing our diet choices on? With the abundance of information available, there is no shortage of diet camps to choose from.

So humans have to kill to live?
Whether we have decided on being compassionate vegan or self-deluded carnivores (convincing ourselves that killing animals is the nice and moral thing to do for them, y'know, so they won't suffer so much), vegetarian, raw, or decided to lovingly follow a plant-based diet, maybe a pegan (paleo-vegan), to support being more humane to all animals, how is our decision impacting our health and that of the environment?

Please let me live, Dave.
Dave Asprey, “the father of biohacking” and founder of the Bulletproof Diet and Upgrade Labs, has been digging into the research and data determined to live a normal human life of 185 years. He’s already reversed his biological age by 11 years, and in this episode he’s laying out mind-blowing ways to biohack our way to better health with less time and effort in the gym and why following a plant-based, vegan diet may not be as kind and friendly to the planet as we’re led to believe.

I was born with three hearts to love better.
There are many ways to achieve optimal health, the question is which one is best for us? This episode is about covering our bases and knowing what areas are more meaningful for us to look into and consider. It's controversial, and Dave Asprey is wrong in some key ways, but in other ways he has a point. It just goes to proves, the mind can convince itself of anything once we set our heart on it -- even killing and calling it good.

  • 0:00 | Introduction to Dave Asprey
  • 0:21 | Should We Eat Plants?
  • 9:37 | Extend Your Lifespan
  • 21:51 | Protect Population Growth
  • 26:40 | Best Diet for Longevity
  • 33:47 | Exercise Less, Get Results
  • 49:25 | Biohack Your Brain
“When you are depleted of minerals none of the repair systems in the body or the energy systems can work.” [2:57]

“I was a raw vegan. I was a regular vegan. It made me profoundly sick [because I didn't do it right].” [14:50]

“When you choose a vegan diet, you are voting against the presence of any [slaughtered] animals in that agricultural land.” [18:22]

“When you upgrade your biology so it works better, you have a better system for detecting reality around you.” [1:20:58]

“If you ignore the body, you ignore the threat networks in the body and you just work on the mind you’ll never get there.” [1:22:30]

Who? Dave Asprey:

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