Saturday, January 14, 2023

Ancient Aliens: history's cover-up (video)

V Movies) Sept. 23, 2022; Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(V Movies) UFOs are real. Governmental and military forces on Earth know it. Explore hidden and suppressed information about the strangest and most fantastic UFO incidents in history. Be amazed and bewildered by countless UFO sightings by highly credible witnesses that defy explanation. UFOs are here whether we like it or not, and their technology far exceeds our own. If they decide to take over the human race, there is little governments and militarys can do about it. Learn about the deception and cover-up of UFOs. Everything we've been told about space aliens and UFOs is a LIE. Learn facts they DON'T want us to know.

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