Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed World

PBS, Chuck D; Public Enemy; Sheldon S., Crystal Quintero, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World
(PBS) Schomburg Center - This post-screening conversation (shown below) with hip hop legend Chuck D and guests was simulcast and streamed live on Jan. 23, 2023. Chuck D of Public Enemy and one of the producers of Fight the Power explore hip hop’s political awakening over the last 50 years. With a host of rap stars and cultural commentators, he tracks hip hop’s socially conscious roots. From The Message to Fight the Power 2020, he examines how hip hop has become "The Black CNN." Join as half a century of hip Hop are celebrated with a preview of Fight the Power followed by a conversation with Chuck D and invited guests. The evening was produced in partnership with PBS.

ABOUT: Fight the Power is an incredible narrative of struggle, triumph, and resistance that will be brought to life through the lens of an art form that has chronicled the emotions, experiences, and expressions of Black and Brown communities: hip hop. In the aftermath of America's racial and political reckoning in 2020, the perspectives and stories shared in Hip Hop are key to understanding injustice in the U.S. over the last half-century.

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