Sunday, January 29, 2023

How to survive anywhere: learn FIRE (2/18)

Chris Nyerges (Meetup), School of Self-Reliance; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Learn how to make fire by several primitive methods. Learn the four principles by which fire is generated:
  1. mechanical (friction)
  2. solar
  3. chemical
  4. electrical.
Practice several of these, and learn the best techniques for mastery. Use solar reflectors and magnifying glasses, common batteries, flint stone and steel, the bow, the hand drill, the piston, flammable magnesium, and others.

Learn by doing. The goal is to create a hot ember and “nurture” it into a flame. Learn which woods are best for burning and cooking and how to process woods. A short nature walk will be included to see which plants are best for fire-making kits.

This class applies to the School of Self-Reliance's Bushcraft Certificate.

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