Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Left Behind: Antichrist, Christian Rapture film

Slipknot; American Dad!; Collide Media Group, 11/21/22; Mel Gibson; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (trailer)
(Collide Media Group) This Christian movie is in theaters starting January 26, 2023, for a very short run. (See for possible extended run).

Don't listen to the Protestants. Listen to Mel.
[What do Protestants think the "Rapture" is, to say nothing of the majority Catholics? Many beliefs are based on bestselling fiction books (novels) by Tim LaHaye, now a multimedia franchise. Don't worry, Catholics, Mel Gibson has got you covered with Passion of the Christ 2, out in 2024. The "Rapture" is a cult belief among many American Christians who don't bother to read the Bible for themselves. It's summarized above by Seth MacFarlane and Company in their show American Dad! Every church group has its own spin, few of them based on the text of the adequate translations (instead relying just on the King James version). It would be better to include the apocrypha in these interpretations and cross check with other translations, as Bible Hub and other websites now easily allow.]

"Catholics don't read the Bible."
After millions of people vanish and the world falls into chaos, the only light is a charismatic leader [The Antichrist] who rises to become head of the U.N. But does he bring hope for a better future? Or is it the end of the world?

[Recommended? No. We don't recommend watching this unless you're a fundamentalist Christian who loves to worry. Isn't President Joe the Antichrist, or is it ex-Pres. Don Trump? It has to be one of the British royals, probably Prince Andrew, because the One has to have the dragon on his family crest. There are lots of details of which to keep track. "Our church group is right, and your church group doesn't know jack," people will say. Then it's knives out as Christians attacks Christians, and they all go after the Jews, the heathens, the pagans, and those to be "Left Behind," like the Satanists (Slipknot since 2001's Iowa) and the wicked and evil atheists and agnostics, not to mention those d*mn Buddhists.]
Who will be The Antichrist?
Seth MacFarlane (American Dad!, "Rapture's Delight" segment)

It's "President Joe"! (Bowie "Savior Machine")

When young David Bowie was a Buddhist monk
: President Joe once had a dream/ The world held his hand, gave their pledge/ So he told them his scheme for [an artificially intelligent] Savior Machine/ They called it The Prayer, its answer was law/ Its logic stopped war, gave them food/ How they adored till it cried in its boredom:/

"Please don't believe in me/ Please disagree with me/ Life is too easy/ A plague seems quite feasible now/ Or maybe a war/ Or I may kill you all"//

[CHORUS:] Don't let me stay, don't let me stay/ My logic says burn, so send me away/ Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen/ You can't stake your lives on a Savior Machine//

I need you flying, and I'll show that dying/ Is living beyond reason, sacred dimension of time/ I perceive every sign, I can steal every mind// [Chorus]

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