Friday, January 20, 2023

Scores of Swiss sex workers swarm Davos

The New York Post, 1/20/23; Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Stop bothering these important businessmen.
Scores of sex workers have swarmed to the Swiss ski resort town of Davos to [score, that is, to] offer their services to the rich and powerful this week — with some said to be charging up to $2,500 a night.

Every year, the World Economic Forum hosts a five-day gathering featuring CEOs, dignitaries, captains of industry, and media figures to discuss important global issues.

Super sex worker (The New York Post)
One prostitute who goes by the name “Liana” told the German newspaper Bild that she frequently provides services to an American attendee at Davos who pays $750 per hour — or $2,500 to spend the whole night.

She added that she dresses in business attire in order to blend in with the crowd at the World Economic Forum gathering.

A woman who manages an escort service based in the Swiss town of Aargau, which is located some 100 miles from Davos, told 20 Minuten that she received 11 bookings and 25 inquiries — and that was just the beginning.

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