Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday: 40 days of LENT begin

Recovering Catholic editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Family Guy mass;
We used to be Middle Eastern Northern Africans. Then we got promoted to Nordic whites.
Sadhus, holy men in India, wear forehead ashes ( of an AGHORI)
Negative side effects of Fukitol
Lent begins. Penance is for penitent Catholics, so let's get going with the guilt. Get on yer knees and apologize to the God before He smites ya. And say "sorry" to His son, too. Go on. (The Holy Mother/Wife, a manifestation of compassionate Kwan Yin has already forgiven you that you might forgive others, like us, friends).

"Holy Week" allegedly commemorates a week in Jesus the Nazarene’s life. In it are the days between Lazarus Saturday and sexy pagan holy days leading up to Easter (formerly important in the worship of the Goddess Eostre), spring, in the rebirth of their devaputra, or "son of god," any being reborn among the celestial devas.

Holy Week has Fat Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras), Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and other special days. This was the most important week in the earthly life of Jesus (Y'shua, Joshua, Saint Issa). But the tradition of smearing ashes on the forehead goes back much earlier than Christianity and Judaism. It is an Indian custom, where pyre ashes known as tilak (similar to the bindi) decorate the forehead. 
Why do Roman Catholics in the U.S. worship the Madonna? Oh, not this Madonna!

When is Lent (the fasting period)?
Catholicism borrows from religions
Lent will be observed from February 22nd to April 8th this year (2023). It is a fasting [vegetarian food only, as it used to be observed and still is in places like super-Christian Ethiopia/biblical Kush] period of religious observance in the Christian liturgical calendar, marking the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert, enduring temptation by Satan, the Devil. It is a period of grief, which is ended by a grand celebration of Easter [when mushrooms are hunted in their oval white or colorful form among the spring grass]. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later. More
Going to church on Sunday is bad enough, but we're going to Mass tonight, too?

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