Monday, February 6, 2023

Earliest Irish were Black with blue eyes: DNA

Lindsey Charleston, History All Day via, Feb. 6, 2023; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; RTE One via SnM Chanel, "Song of Our Ancestors" (video link)
How long have whites been covering this up? An inconvenient truth, so scientists kept quiet?
The earlier inhabitants were hunter-gatherers with blue eyes and dark skin, DNA reveals.

When we arrived from space to this rock...
"A historian makes a fascinating discovery that challenges everything we [say we] knew about early humans," MSN is reporting.

"(They looked nothing like we thought)," the mainstream media channel adds. [They were Black with blue eyes, but let's bury the lead and not say that right up front. A documentary reveals the shocking DNA evidence that confirms this unexpected finding.]

We weren't all pale gingers?
Many millennia ago, in the ancient [super green] forests of Ireland, early humans thrived in spite of competition from other predators like bears and wolves.

In the present day, the area, known as the Burren, is a rocky landscape with virtually no trees in sight. Still, traces of our [human] ancestors have managed to endure the ravages of time, making way for a discovery that challenges our current knowledge of human prehistory. More: MSN

Buddha, how did life begin on earth?
The Buddha, who knows and sees, was very wise.
[The Buddha explains the beginning of life on this planet as being a process of devolution, from the time some devas or light beings alighted here and began to become coarser and coarser as their karma (intentional deeds) worsened. Corrupted minds led to corrupt speech and actions, which have brought us down to our present day when we are short lived, struggle to eat and satisfy our many desires, and must cope with many diseases when previously the human race -- that is, the devolving space race -- had many fewer problems. This devolution does not contradict the presence of evolution, as all things are cyclical and a coming Goden Age is ahead of us, just as many are behind us. There are revolutions within revolutions, cycles within cycles. And this is what the ancient Vedas ("Knowledge Books" of proto-India preserved in Hinduism) call the Kali Yuga or "Dark Age." See DN 27, the Agganna Sutta, or "A Buddhist Genesis Sutra" for details.]
There were Blacks in Ireland before whites

Documentary hosted by Brendon Gleeson, published by RTE in 2021
The Burren is a place full of intrigue and mystery to filmmaker Dr. Katrina Costello, who has been working there for over 13 years. "It is not a landscape that gives up her secrets easily, but in every fold of rock and around every corner there is always a new surprise."

Her love for that landscape is obvious, which captures the raw and complicated beauty of the Burren using intimate natural history photography and the spontaneous insights of a cast of local contributors.

In The Burren: Heart of Stone, audiences are taken on a journey through the ages, tracing the genetic story of the Irish people.

It tells the story of the Black Irish hunter-gatherers and reveals what became of them. It asks if prehistoric farmers [who came second] irreversibly altered this landscape and if modern Irish society is descended from those who first lived here over 10,000 years ago?
  • Release date: April 11, 2021
  • Country: Ireland (Ireland)
  • Language: English
  • Filming locations: West Ireland, UK

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