Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell from prison

60 Minutes Australia, 2/12/23; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I'm not the pimp for these young and ambitious "working girls." I just help them out.

Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell's extraordinary claims from prison
Prison mug shot with possible hair dye and cut
(60 Minutes Australia) The rich beauty looks terrible in prison in Tallahassee, Florida. It seems as if she's on speed (prison methamphetamine, caffeine, or cocaine).

Rather than turning over evidence to save her sorry arse (which would get her killed the way Jeff Epstein was murdered in his cell), she's playing it smart and kissing up to the British monarchy in general and pervert Prince Andrew in particular, to get help to get her out of lockup and clear her name.

She not only looks terrible, fidgeting -- does she know she's being filmed? Does she know that no one cares if the food is bland and unseasoned? One wouldn't think so by looking at her fretting and seeming to casually contradict the truth or some version of it. At least her brother believes her, and he seems sincere. But that blasted Virginia Guiffre has the nerve to doubt her!?

Sex, Lies & Alibis (2023)
The socialite has seen better days (2007)
When Ghislaine Maxwell, the one-time madam (prostitute procurer) of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, was convicted last year of sex crimes against underage girls, her many victims hoped a jail cell would silence her [as did the powers that be].

It turns out they were wrong. As well as currently appealing her 20-year prison sentence, Maxwell has now also begun a concerted campaign to rewrite history.

As 60 Minutes Australia's Tara Brown reports, Ghislaine has given an audacious and strangely compelling interview from prison.

Psst, are you on the list? - Of course. - So am I.
In it she makes some extraordinary claims, including that the disgraced Prince Andrew is the victim of a malicious hoax. That's not him with his arm around angelic underage sex trafficking victim Virginia Guiffre, who must be lying about everything.

Ghis also rails against those who think she’s cruel, horrible, and guilty of heinous sex crimes in support of the rich and famous with her fellow blackmailer boyfriend Epstein.

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