Sunday, February 26, 2023

Lost Mexican town is part of USA (BBC)

Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; BBC News, 2/19/23; Etsy
"Mesoamerica" is part of North America. The "Americas" are North, Central, and South.

Where are the Dreamers of DACA?
When will the "Mexican United States" (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) become part of the United States of America already? It has to happen, according to America's Prophet Sean David Morton, on account of demographics. The USA just doesn't have the birth rates to sustain a viable population. We're shrinking out of existence and out of our Social Security system.

Aztec warrior and volcano offering
The USA will meld with Mexico and Canada in an AU, akin to Europe's EU, an active trade partnership with the amero (like the euro) as the common currency. It's only a matter of time because demographics determine the world more than ideology.

When the powers-that-be want it, they'll hire a PR firm to get us all to agree and even to demand it. That's how the world works nowadays, and that's what will happen. Look how easy it is. It already happened to the small American town of Rio Rico ("Rich River") due to a private corporation's greed along the "Big River" (Rio Grande). The BBC reports:

The border town that "forgot" it was part of US
Perfect (Erika L. Sanchez)
(BBC News) In 1967, the residents of USA-Mexico border town Rio Rico discovered they weren't Mexicans but were actually legal American citizens. For years it was assumed Rio Rico was part of Mexico, because it lay south of the Rio Grande River that forms the US-Mexico border. During the Prohibition era (when Puritans tried to outlaw their favorite intoxicant which keeps the wheels of cold-hearted American-style capitalism rolling), the town became known as a place US citizens could cross over to freely drink alcohol and gamble and engage in other vices. However, prior to 1906, Rio Rico actually lay to the north of the river and was therefore American territory, according to a law that stated where the border was, dividing the two countries by a shifting river line of demarcation.

Mexican American My Home My Blood Flag (
Who were the dark-skinned original Britons of proto-England?
The flag of the United States of North America

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