Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Christian view of DINOSAURS (video)

Answers in Genesis, 1/20/23; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Most Christians don’t know this [Bible stuff] about dinosaurs...
Dinos went extinct? (Gary Larson)
(Answers in Genesis) Jan. 20, 2023. Are dinosaurs in the Bible? In this video, Bryan Osborne gives the biblical answer to this question. He also reveals the one key way that we can get to the bottom of similar questions.

Learn more [Christian apologetics] about dinosaurs: answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs [so you, too, can argue with your old friends and new enemies].
@3shieldsitrust694(@3shieldsitrust694) Feb. 2023 - Even as a child, I always figured Dragons was the old term used for Dinosaurs.

There be some weird dragons.
Learning that the bible describes creatures that sound an awful [lot] like Dinosaurs was wild in my early Christians years.

And now, reading the accounts of Genesis and the Flood, and comparing to what science explains happened in history; the flood sounds an awful [lot] like the breakup of the supercontinent [Pangaea] scientists talk about.

When the Bible says Water busting from the Deep in chapter 7 of Genesis; sounds an awful like a breakup of land to me.

(Sheldon S.) March 2023 - Hey what about Leviathan and that behemoth? Sounds an awful like Dinosaurs (Dragons or tannins). Soft tissue found in super-ancient dinosaur bones and scientists hiding that, lying about that?! What if dinosaurs are a conspiracy like Eric Dubay says?

Would Bigfoot ride a dinosaur if dinosaurs survive in parts of Africa? (Wallace)

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