Thursday, March 30, 2023

Food Not Bombs fundraiser: Zorthian (3/31);; PJ, Seven, Krystine, Wisdom Quarterly

New website:
What is Food Not Bombs ( It's an anarcho-punk collective that feeds the needy sustainable vegetarian and vegan food. Actually, it'll feed anybody. They needn't be needy, co-organizer Scott used to say at L.A. Food Not Bombs in DTLA. Volunteers gather to prepare donated foodstuffs into delicious meals distributed around downtown and Skid Row. They recently fed us at the Apache Stronghold "Save Oak Flat" pre-trial gathering, as part of the spiritual convoy of a Salish totem pole, in Pasadena's Hahamongna Watershed Park in light rain. What is Zorthian Ranch ( It's an anarcho-hippie commune, collective, art colony, film shoot location, permaculture demonstration site, and farm. Nikki Minaj visited recently, rode a horse, and dressed like a cowgirl for some photos.
  • Zorthian Ranch (at the top of Fair Oaks Ave.)
  • FNB Fundraiser, Friday, March 31, 2023
  • 3990 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Altadena, CA

Facebook: Los Angeles Food Not Bombs (though there are chapters everywhere)

Nikki Minaj or Roman: This place is a great for a film shoot, playing dress up, riding horses.

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