Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Gwyneth Paltrow in court: ski crash trial

Today; Inside Edition, 3/21/23; Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Gwyneth is naked 'n starving at 50, eating boiled bones to survive. Eating disorders by Goop.

Gwyneth Paltrow faces lawsuit over ski crash
(TODAY) March 21, 2023. Gwyneth Paltrow is expected to take the stand in a Utah courthouse, defending herself against accusations of severely injuring a doctor in a 2016 ski accident. NBC’s Kaylee Hartung reports for TODAY. #skiing #celebrity #lawsuit

Gwyneth Paltrow appears in court over ski crash
(Inside Edition) March 21, 2023. Hollywood actor and infamous "conscious uncoupling" divorcee from the singer of Coldplay Gwyneth Paltrow appeared in court with security by her side for a ski collision [she caused] at a resort.

She is facing Dr. Terry Sanderson, a 76-year-old retired optometrist, who claims she plowed into him on a ski slope, leaving him with four broken ribs and permanent brain damage (PBI).

[He was suing for $3.1 million but was forced by the judge to lower that amount to $300,000 as the limit in this case.] The collision happened in February 2016 on a beginner's ski trail at a ritzy resort in Park City, Utah.

During opening statements, Ms. Paltrow's lawyer says Dr. Sanderson was the one who crashed into her. [Gwynnie is countersuing Dr. Sanderson for $1, yes, one US dollar, oh, plus all legal fees.]

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