Saturday, March 18, 2023

Impossible: man flies off building (video)

Video Shorts; Base Jumping X Team Wannabees, Wisdom Quarterly

It's fun to watch in first class (of a car)
There's an extreme sport called "base jumping," taking a parachute in hand and throwing it into the wind when jumping off things -- buildings, cliffs, any platform will do really. What becomes possible when the wings/glider or flexible parachute can be maneuvered and aimed at landing spots? Here one daredevil goes from sky to rooftop of a skyscraper on the beach, probably a resort hotel, where he's not welcome by its security agent posted their to guard some VIP or other. They tell him to get off, but rather than the steps or elevator, he decides to jump off the edge. They helplessly run after him and watch him commit suicide, only he has other plans. A backflip into the wind then the descent of a raptor, skimming the surf and softly alighting on the sand. Success! How in the world it was filmed, we have to wonder. AI-controlled GoPro? How did the cam know to turn around for the backflip? No wonder China and TikTok will one day rule the world.

Watching this clip on a car video screen, I may want to parachute to the ground.
When do those George Jetson flying cars get here already? They exist. Let's go. Sky tickets!

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