Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Jail Trump or buy timeshare? (Kimmel & Oliver)

Jimmy Kimmel, 3/20/23; LastWeekTonight, 3/19/23; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Trump arrest could happen soon, GOP lowlifes scream "witch hunt," Florida aims to ban period talk
(Jimmy Kimmel) March 20, 2023 #Kimmel Indictments are in the air as we await the possible arrest of Donald Trump, if it happens the Secret Service (SS) would bring him, possibly in cuffs, to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office for a mugshot and fingerprints, some MAGA supporters online have been talking about creating what they call a "Patriot Moat" to surround Trump and prevent Neo-Nazi Stormtrooper police from taking him in, Republicans in the House of Representatives are gathered in Orlando for their annual “issues” retreat, all the usual lowlifes are screaming "witch hunt," former VP Mike Pence is also trying to stay on the good side of the crazies, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani believes that we should all be focused on Hunter Biden’s laptop (and all the drug addled naked images he had stored in it), Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis slipped a zinger in at Trump’s expense and Donny fired back implying that Ronnie "DeSanctimonious" is gay, so many of Trump’s legal issues are based on him being dumb, a kid at the NCAA Wrestling Championship lost a match and his mom was very upset, many thanks to our good friends at 6ABC News in Philadelphia for providing us with a stellar edition of the (double-fisted) "Unintentional Joke of the Day," and Republicans in the Sunshine State (Florida) are considering legislation that would ban teachers from discussing menstruation and human sexuality in elementary school.

Arraign check: Why no arrest yet?

Timeshares: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
(LastWeekTonight) John Oliver discusses timeshares, how people get into them, why it’s so difficult to get out, and one exciting new business venture. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens, on Facebook like your mom would, on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news, or visit official site for all that other stuff at once.
Who would be dumb enough to -- having been lied to legally -- still buy a timeshare? No one. But when they are rebranded as "vacation clubs" or "vacation ownership plans," they're hard to resist. These are mere euphemisms (nice words that replace ugly ones) to disguise what they really are. Walk away, fast, even if Hyatt or Wyndam or another famous hotel is pitching them.

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