Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Moon surface full of structures: South Korea

Ancient lunar domes on the surface of our moon Chandra/Luna | Coast to Coast AM
Richard C. Hoagland South Korean lunar mission images 3/20/23 | Coast to Coast AM

Richard C. Hoagland present images of our moon taken by the South Korean government as part of the disclosure process. NASA let them do it. They show clear signs of life on the surface -- archeological, anthropological, paleontological. The surface is covered with weathered glass domes. They are visible using the right filters, which the government of South Korea used on its latest mission to photograph the moon [up in the atmosphere, however "atmosphere" is being defined in secret space projects. The moon is not very far away, as we have been taught for so long. But that's not the revelation being made. This year there will be a lunar eclipse visible, as the top image shows, across two belts in the USA. Anyone with a phone camera using the correct filters will be able to photograph those domes and do so apart from any government's interference. All will be revealed by Hoagland on his radio show this Saturday.
Ancient lunar domes
Host George Noory, guest Richard C. Hoagland, Coast to Coast AM, March 20, 2023
Dick Hoagland can prove he's right on this one.
Richard C. Hoagland is the principal investigator and founder of the Enterprise Mission, as well as the vision and the voice of The Other Side of Midnight. In the first half, he spoke about new "breakthrough" evidence for ancient lunar domes and other ruins from images returned by South Korea's unmanned moon mission Danuri ("Enjoy Moon"). View related materials.

Now in orbit of the moon, the mission arrived in Dec. 2022 and is "taking stunning images with a special onboard camera" and posting them on the Korean Space Agency website, he said.

How much do the Chinese know about the Moon
This "confirmed my assertion for decades that the moon is covered with ancient artificial structures," and is part of a tacit disclosure effort, Hoagland added.

The special device used by the Koreans, a wide-angle polarimetric camera, revealed a glowing ring around the moon that can't be seen by the naked eye.

The camera, Hoagland says, "basically illuminates all the background unpolarized light and makes the glass domes all over the moon stand out like...[a sore] thumb."

An amazing ancient technology was used to put a series of tiered glass domes over the entire moon, some towering 50 miles above the lunar surface, Hoagland asserts, "and we're now looking at the eroded remains in the only way that it really is visible...polarized light."

Hoagland speculates that the ancient dome-creators may have helped shape life on Earth and suggested that some of the Apollo astronauts' minds were altered upon their return so they would not recall the domes and anomalies they saw on the lunar surface. [Except one did remember and quit the space program to paint scenes of the moon for the rest of his life.] More + AUDIO

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