Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Teacher of year molests student, rearrested

Jayne Yutig, CBS 8, 3/9/23; Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Meet me afterschool? - A male teacher? No way!
Is it just us or are Asians -- the reputed "model minority" who work so hard to curry the favor of whites -- really coming into their own in America? Mass murdering, child molesting, thieving, drug dealing, mafia activity, Academy Award winning, best actressing, everything. Pres. Biden is in the San Gabriel Valley (Los Angeles, California) at this very moment clogging up traffic in the Pineapple Express downpour and the flooding it's causing because he wants to use recent tragedies at a dance studio, where an old Asian man shot up a dance studio and became a notorious mass murderer. Joe is going to use the bad news to promote anti-gun bills to deprive citizens of their weapons while loading police and criminals up with more and more powerful firearms. An Asian teacher child molester? Why is it when men do it, we're horrified, but when women do, it's a marvel? "Man bites dog" headline? Jacquie Ma's case was featured in the True Crime Tuesday segment of GAS (Gary and Shannon | iHeart).

Teacher of the year "loves" kids
Child molester Ma's in love with 12-year-old?
NATIONAL CITY, California — Just two days after bailing out of jail [after being arrested for suspicion of child molestation of her 12 then 13-year-old student], San Diego County 2022 "Teacher of the YearJacqueline Ma, 34, from Lincoln Acres Elementary was again arrested by the National City Police Department [who had kept her under surveillance when they released her the first time].
Ma doesn't represent us! (M. Yeoh)
Teacher of the Year Ma was first arrested on Tuesday [3/7/23] on several charges of sexual misconduct with a child under 14-years-old. National City Police detectives said their investigation into the sex case continued, and they developed probable cause to re-arrest Ma on additional felony charges.

According to records from the San Diego Sheriff's Department, Ma was booked on 14 new felony charges including:
  • two counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14-years old
  • seven counts of possession of obscene [pornographic] matter depicting a minor engaging in sexual conduct
  • four counts of knowingly developing, duplicating, printing, or exchanging child pornography
  • one count of intimidating a witness or victim.
CT: Sexual assault on 14-year-old boy
"Detectives conducted a surveillance operation and arrested Ma in the 3300 block of National Avenue in the City of San Diego," the police department said. Ma was re-booked into Las Colinas Women's Detention Facility. More + VIDEO and Ma's bio

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