Saturday, March 25, 2023

Quotes: Buddhist and Ancient Roman (video)

While the Buddha didn't say this as such, the sentiment is certainly a good one and true.

Ancient philosophers' life lessons people wished they knew sooner
(Quotes) Jan. 3, 2023. This livestream is made from the best quotes in the world and we expect these life quotes to make us change our attitude to the world. These quotes are worth noting or taking screenshots of to save them in a collection for inspiration. On this quotes stream, quotes are broadcasting 24/7. #quotes 

Top 30 Buddha quotes on life that can teach us beautiful life lessons
(Words of Wisdom) Jan. 8, 2021 Gautam Buddha (the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama) was one of the greatest enlightened persons on earth. Here are some of the best quotes attributed to him -- even though many were never said by him but are beautiful or strange translations of something he did say. In any case, they can teach us some valuable life lessons. #words_of_wisdom_channel

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