Saturday, April 1, 2023

Best source of news: RENSE.COM

Jeff Rense (, April 1, 2023); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Ashley Biden lived in fear of incest and molestation at the hands of father Joe Biden?
Granddaughter Finnegan Biden kissed on the lips by creepy granddad Joe Biden (
Oh no, it's creepy Uncle Joe at the window again! He's not even our real uncle!

We bought and blackmailed them all (CIA)
The mainstream media cannot be trusted to provide real news. Popular outlets are pro-government, pro-establishment, pro-business "info-tainment" also known as propaganda. Who will stand up at a time of universal deceit and fraud and dare speak the truth? It won't be the networks or AM band traffic and weather on the tens (courtesy of the money-making juggernaut Salem Radio Network).

1984predicative programming
Sadly, it won't even be "public" radio like NPR or PBS. They are all controlled assets in the pocket of the CIA. But there's a fringe element, now mostly on the right, that dares to speak its mind and question the unquestionable, the unthinkable, the unspeakable.

Someone or something has to provoke cancel culture and the controlled opposition. The world has Jimmy Dore before he's taken down. There's weak sauce like and and Pacifica in Berkeley, Los Angeles, New York, growing and the spectacle that is

There are old cranks and their beer-guzzling sons somewhere in the Bayou putting on podcasts. There are the ravings of Steve Quayle and Russell Brand, and Joe Rogan. But Jeff Rense (RENSE.COM), even if he is offensive and racist, puts it on the line. is the best source of an alternative point of view.

We're the Mercers. You don't know us, but we're movers and shakers.
When was pediatric gender transition made a medical emergency in need of immediate "cure"?

President Joe before he was possessed, a creep, or even a politician. Ah, those were the days.

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