Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Jimmy Dore (LIVE) bad Fauci, Bernie's book

Jimmy Dore (YouTube), Joe Rogan; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Summary of Capitalism Book
Is NY DA’s case against Trump total BS? Mexican president says U.S. blew up (sabotaged) Nord Stream! (The Jimmy Dore Show) Jimmy Dore with Kurt Metzger livestreaming #TheJimmyDoreShow
Our Revolution (Bernie Sanders)
Who knew "revolutionary" independent presidential candidate Bernie Sanders had a new book entitled, It's OK To Be Angry About Capitalism [Just Buy This Book Anyway] promoted by Skylight Books? He came to Glendale, an enclave of the elderly, to The Alex to see if he could milk more mojo and mullah from milky supporters who used to stand in the sun all day at his rallies to hear him when Trump was whipping up more and more support to destroy anti-social, warmongering Kissinger candidate U.S. Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton.

The fix was in already. Bernie's job was to siphon off the energy of anyone who wanted real social justice and change. Now, if you're still a believer, forget his old "revolution" book. He's got something new to sell you. He wants you to be angry about (not at) capitalism, written at one of his multiple homes on the East Coast. At least the "Feel the Bern" candidate landed on his feet, pleased all of the Democrats, and kept his comfortable government job.
Dr. Tony Fauci made love to student Wang Yanyi while she was in grad school in North Carolina, at The Four Seasons Hotel in DC? Wang Yangi is the young director of Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). (MILES GUO on GETTR: 3/9/2023 Prince Li: If the Congress really wants to find out the origin of the CCP [COVID] virus...[look into Fauci's close relationship with Wuhan's young director, Wang Yangi])

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