Sunday, March 26, 2023

The making of "Miss Liberty" the movie

Victoria Moran, Rev. Wm. Melton (Facebook); Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
What are cows good for? Grassy fields. They keep the ecosystem green when they're free to roam instead of being penned and fed a greenhouse-gas-causing diet of unsuitable foods like meat, beans, grains, and cement powder to fatten them up for the slaughterhouse (

Let's get the film Miss Liberty funded for a family-friendly Hollywood feature (Facebook).
Are there really some humans who care?
It's spring! Now gratefully accepting funds for The Compassion Consortium to be used for the development of a family feature film:

Miss Liberty is a script about a dairy cow who escapes the dreaded slaughterhouse and the human drama that ensues.

The Compassion Consortium is one of the producers and a nonprofit partner. 

Cows are living, breathing, sentient beings?
William Melton and wife Victoria Moran wrote a script years ago and have since been on a rollercoaster of hopeful highs and dismaying lows, which the movie biz is known for.

But now having a wonderful pro-animal movie see the light of day is actually possible.

Popular actors are interested (whose names are well known but cannot yet be shared since their participation is "pending funding"). AND a wonderful anonymous donor has promised $100,000.00 in matching funds for the $200,000 needed for this, the launch phase of the project.
(Facebook will take care of the donation processing with no fees). And if good wishes are what you're able to send right now, we are joyfully accepting those too. Thanks so much!

Why are cows so smart and funny?

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