Saturday, March 18, 2023

There's no racism in America? (VICE)

VICE, 6/6/2013; I. RonySheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The KKK vs. the Crips vs. Memphis City Council
Racist Col. N. B. Forrest
(VICE) In Memphis's Forrest Park, there's a statue of [notorious racist] Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the most infamous and powerful racists in American history.

Lately it's been at the center of the city's often shaky race relations. Watch as the KKK, the Memphis City Council, and local gang members fight for what they each believe is right. Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, rednecks, hicks, gumbos, Gomers, Jebediahs, police informants, infiltrators, agent provocateurs, Antifas, gangsters, antiracists, white allies, everyone wanted to have a say about the future.
"The Kops and the Klan work hand in hand!"?
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