Friday, March 31, 2023

Trans folks often regret it, say Christians

Today (March 31st) is the annual International Transgender Day of Visibility. When a person feels as if sh/e was born in the wrong body and is the other sex or no sex at all or both (non-binary, not male, not female).

When trans people regret transitioning (Heartbreaking)
(Answers in Genesis) Nov. 4, 2022. This North American culture has been proudly touting gender transitioning as a solution, when it’s actually the problem. As medical gender transitions become more common so, too, have regrets about undergoing them. In this video, Bryan Osborne views several clips of trans people expressing their fears and regrets for what they’ve done then points us to the only solution: finding our ultimate identity in his god.

VeryWellHealth. “What Is Gender Transitioning?” Last modified June 18, 2022.

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