Saturday, March 18, 2023

Will Japan soon disappear? (video)

P. Sharma, Firstpost, 3/6/23; Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Japan in crisis as population fall could make the country "disappear" | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Well that just about wraps it up for Zen (kami)
(Firstpost) Japan has a severe demographic crisis. Its population fall could soon make the country "disappear" -- worse than the Maldives, which are sinking into the sea and the population is bailing out to higher ground in other countries. Japan's population will die where it stands and not replace itself fast enough to prevent catastrophe.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's advisor has issued a dire warning, saying the country will "disappear" if the fall in birth rate is not arrested soon. Japan is in a precarious situation, and it must find a solution immediately. Palki Sharma looks into it.

  • [Bringing in migrants and mating with them is the best, easiest, and fastest solution, but Japan's racism or preference for its own ethnicity makes that nearly impossible. Import Chinese. They're nearby, in abundance, and willing to go from poor pseudo-communists with few rights under a dictatorship to the most prosperous Asian country in the world (although Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, and China would like to dispute that standing). Perhaps China could just march in and take over the islands (countless islands) that make up "Japan." It's also certain that nearby Russia -- look at a map -- would be interested in moving in and melding with the population, particularly the Ainu, or Caucasian Asians/White Japanese, which may already be an ancient blending. Perhaps the USA could drop a few more bombs to hasten Japan's demise, cause another Fukushima disaster, inundate it by causing more tsunamis by its testing of chairs, as Stewart Swerdlow revealed, or enforcing post-world-war amnesty treaties that ensured its consequent military weakness and its economic prosperity. Or maybe the Gold Ol' US of A could just make it a province of Hawaii and own many more Pacific islands than it already does, and it already owns thousands that few seem to know about, as most are kept for secretive military purposes.]
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