Thursday, April 6, 2023

Deep inside an ocean trench: snail fish

Donna Lu, The Guardian, 4/3/23; Japan Times video; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Unknown snailfish filmed by researchers in Tokyo and W. Australia in Izu-Ogasawara Trench
Scientists find deepest fish ever recorded at 8,300 meters underwater near Japan
Izu–Ogasawara Trench (wiki)
Scientists have captured footage of a fish swimming more than 8 km (26,000+ feet) underwater, setting a new record for the deepest fish ever recorded.

The animal, an unknown snailfish species belonging to the genus Pseudoliparis, was filmed at a depth of 8,336 metres (27,350 feet) in the Izu-Ogasawara Trench, south-east of Japan.

The footage was captured from an autonomous deep ocean vessel as part of a two-month expedition that began last year.
A few days after the snailfish was filmed, scientists caught two other snailfish, of the species Pseudoliparis belyaevi, in the Japan trench from a depth of 8,022 metres (26,319 feet). More

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