Friday, April 7, 2023

Humans used drugs in cave rituals 3K years ago

Ryan Hogg (Business Insider via MSN, 4/7/23); Altered States; Eds. Wisdom Quarterly
Evidence was found inside Es Càrritx cave, island of Menorca (Sarah Michals/Shutterstock)
Ancient humans were getting high on hallucinogenic drugs during cave rituals 3,000 years ago, study claims
3K-y.-o. red hair (Scientific Reports/Nature)
Scientists have discovered the use of [entheogens] by humans in Europe 3,000 years ago.

They believe shamans [intermediaries between the human and other planes] used [plant medicines] as part of rituals held at the Es Càrritx cave in Menorca, Spain.

Menorca is a pleasant island with caves, alcoves, and fine beaches like Arenal (wiki).
Menorca Island, Spain
Previous evidence of ancient drug use had been indirect and largely based on depictions in art.

Ancient humans were [utilizing these entheogens] during cave rituals 3,000 years ago, according to a new study. Researchers made the discovery after studying Bronze Age strands of hair found in the Es Càrritx cave on the Spanish island of Menorca.

The cave was first occupied around 3,600 years ago and was used as a funeral space until around 2,800 years ago, the researchers said.

The study, published the journal Scientific Reports, found psychoactive substances atropine, scopolamine, and ephedrine on hair strands, which had been dyed red. More:

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