Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Lighter explodes in dryer: man cheats death

(Sky News Australia
Cloud-chasing toxic vapor smoke screen e-cig
) April 4, 2023. A laundromat in Spain explodes after someone unmindfully leaves a [USB (lithium battery) device] cigarette lighter in dryer. Sky News Host Chris Kenny reviews and has a good chuckle about the Spanish laundromat that exploded after someone left a cigarette lighter in the dryer. “It just blew the shop front out,” Mr. Kenny said.

If Jesus had been a white teen, would he be bad?
(WQ) That mindfulness (sati, dispassionate presence of mind, vigilance, wakefulness, disinterested bare awareness) comes in handy, the Buddha said, whatever one is engaged in, good or ill.

Even in wrongdoing it is of benefit. When pursuing merit and progress in meditation, it is invaluable. It serves as the support for concentration (samadhi) and concentration supports it in a mutually beneficial way.

Leave a lighter when tossing wet clothes into a staticky dryer? Prepare for the boom. This man would have been killed or burned alive.

The concussive force was so great it blew out the windows before starting a fire and gutting the building. Fortunately, it was all caught on security cam or it would have been labelled a suspicious bombing.

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