Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Trump-Karen affair. 'Defund police,' Trump says

CNN, 3/22/18; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Former Playboy model Karen tells her story about Donald Trump
The con man can get away with anything
(CNN) Former Playboy model Karen McDougal explains her decision to tell her story of her illicit sexual relationship with Donald Trump but said she doesn’t want to damage him with her allegations. He cheats on his wives?

Trump has now been charged by the Manhattan district attorney in a hush-payment case involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Some case watchers say that McDougal's allegations could be part of his indictment.

I'm a thug at heart, a real New Yorker,  but the last place I'll ever be is Rikers Island
  • 00:00-06:00 McDougal on how their affair began
  • 06:01-10:51 McDougal alleges Trump tried to pay her for sex [because he prefers wh*ring in Babylon?]
  • 10:52-16:40 On continuing the 10-month affair
  • 16:41-22:47 Meeting Melania and Trump children he was cheating on
  • 22:48-39:01 McDougal on telling her story
  • 39:02-56:50 McDougal on "catch and kill" and AMI
They call me a bird brain, but I get away with it
While Trump is a con man and accused criminal, not any kind of leader to unite the country, what does the other wing 
(of the Money Party) in our single-party political system offer? An enfeebled embarrassment and his body double? As hard as it is to believe, Biden is in some ways worse than Trump, he's just not as odious and off-putting. Biden makes war, whereas Trump just signed off on the Covid fiasco with Dr. Fauci. The Swamp is a terrible place, and it was not drained by Trump. Far from it. Lock her up, and lock him up, too. Let's keep the shark out of the water until there's a better option like, say, a third party.

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