Monday, May 29, 2023

Black Catholic nun in Missouri is saint (video)

The body of an incorrupt Catholic nun has been found in Missouri after being deceased for four years
(Dr. Taylor Marshall) [She's Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster. She's Black, a Catholic, foundress of a Benedictine order in Missouri and, now, on her way to being canonized by the Church for being a saint with one miracle under her belt.]

Whoopi, be better! Be like Sister Wilhelmina!
[It's not too difficult to become a "saint" in the Catholic religion. The Buddha is a Catholic saint because once voted in and canonized -- particularly with no more Office of the Devil's Advocate at the Vatican -- one cannot be voted out. The Buddha was brought in by accident because in the Jataka Tales or Rebirth Stories, he was a particularly popular figure. So the Bodhisat (Bodhisatta or Bodhisattva, as the Buddha referred to himself prior to Buddhahood), was remembered as "Saint Josaphat."]

[And the Catholic Church came in to conquer an area, as they are wont to do even today, which they do with swords and flowers, often pick a popular figure to say, "Look, he was saintly." They thus accrue for themselves all popular figures to build their image as the great institution that will convert or kill you, unless you come willingly because, look, this person is actually a Catholic saint.]

[Pope John Paul II didn't like to go to a new country unless he was canonizing a local figure because the local population loves that. Everyone's in need of a patron saint, and no is better than a local.]
  • How can Buddhists explain this? The same way Jains, Hindus, and yogis would: samadhi (stillness, coherence, concentration) that leads to temporary moral purification. Alone it is not enough for salvation, liberation, enlightenment. Systematic practice for insight-wisdom is needed for that. But samadhi alone is enough to make one a "saint" in other religions.

COMMENTS Is it wrong to be reminded of the Black Jewish actress Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act? Of course, Sister Wilhelmina is the opposite of her, but as one wise person once said, "All saints have a past, and all sinners have a future." So Whoopi could learn something from Saint Lancaster's example.

@Liam-ix8pv(@Liam-ix8pv) I saw her myself! It’s really amazing how well she looks! The best part is that she started that super traditional order there! It’s the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. They are probably some of the most traditional nuns in the world in my opinion.

@monicaradey815(@monicaradey815) Rest in Holy Peace ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Sister Wilhelmina๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

@JackieArmB(@JackieArmB) Thanks for reporting this, Dr. Marshall. I knew if I shared it with you, you would look into it. Fr. Pillari saw her. The fabric and coffin walls were disintegrated [corrupted], but her habit [nun's garb] was like new. He said you could feel the body intact (muscle or skin; bit binges) through her sleeve. Thank God for signs like this in these dark days.

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