Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The great Czech monk: Ven. Dhammadipa

Ven. Dhammadipa, Buddhistdoor Global, March 16, 2016; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ven. Dhammadipa on the Buddhist Education Project in Sakarwadi, India
(BDG: Buddhistdoor Global) Born in the Czech Republic, for many years Venerable Dhammadipa traveled the world, ordaining in Chinese Mahayana then in Burmese Theravada at the world-renown Pa Auk Forest Monastery, where he trained with Pa Auk Sayadaw, attaining distinction in knowledge and vision.
Yogi: Ven. Dhammadipa (mahalaya-nepal.com)
He then continued his travels, giving teachings on serenity and insight meditation and Buddhist Studies. In this interview with Buddhistdoor Global, he discusses his landmark Buddhist Education Project in Sakarwadi, India, which is designed to educate the local Buddhist community (mostly composed of Dalits, formerly "Untouchables," who practice but know little about Buddhism) on bettering their poverty-stricken lives.

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