Monday, May 29, 2023

Path to a bliss better than SEX (Ajahn Brahm)

Ajahn via Chandana Dematapitiya, 1/1/19; text by Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Wait, there's something better than dead flesh in a bun and fresh flesh for fun? (Carls Jr.)
In Cambodia, there's a magical lost civilization at the center of which is Angkor Wat

Meditation sucks...unless there's a focus on blissful absorptions (jhana) into subtle objects
Ajahn Brahm is a British citizen from Cambridge University who went from studying physics to studying Theravada Buddhist meditation in the Thai Forest Tradition of Thailand with world-renowned master Ajahn Chah.
Turn dung into flower fertilizer (Ajahn Brahm)
Mr. Peter Betts, now as Ajahn Brahm, became enlightened and was sent to teach in Australia as part of his training to the final attainment of arhatship (the fourth and final stage of the nobles ones or arya).

Here he explains the setting up of the foundation that will make insight meditation (vipassana) possible and fruitful.

The fruit of insight is liberation
, purification, freedom from all further rebirth and suffering. It is awakening, enlightenment, knowing-and-seeing what the historical Buddha knew and saw.

I was once Mr. Peter Betts.
In the gradual training of the Buddha, one is liberated (moksha) by going from learning conventional truth (sutras and concepts) to directly seeing and experiencing "ultimate reality" (kalapas and cittas).

When one learns to see that, the heart/mind stops clinging to suffering, The result is nirvana. Along the way come the bliss of the jhanas or "meditative absorptions."

They are The Way the ascetic Siddhartha discovered after years of fruitless penance and austerities. Pursuing these wonderful, cleansing, temporarily-purifying states of mind makes mindfulness result in direct seeing of the Truth.

(BSWA) STILLNESS starts with SILENCE, internal and external

"The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts; it's to stop letting them control you."

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