Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Civilizations hidden inside Earth: Agartha

Riddle, 6/20/23; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Hidden civilization(s) of Inner Earth suddenly found in Antarctica
(Ridddle) Deep below us, in our hollow earth (Agartha), there are planes of existence, where long-lived humanoid beings thrive with advanced technology. They do not have much regard for those existing on the surface of this plane, or at least they didn't until we started detonating nuclear weapons.

Indians, Vikings, Nordics, Icelanders knew it.
This was a big disturbance to the peace not only of those beings but of others in space. It damages the web of life and information by which they communicate over incredible distances. There are many worlds all around us with inhabitants who are very much ahead of us in technology, sophistication, and civilization. Those worlds are accessible through the poles, which are covered, blurred out by Google Maps, and not flown over by planes or satellites by law. The truth has been hidden from us, and although U.S. Navy Admiral Byrd tried to tell the world, he only got in trouble for it. He left a diary, but it was redacted by the CIA and other intelligence (alphabet) agencies like the NSC, NSA, NASA, and others. His son found an original copy, and it was republished. But the information is compromised and we may never know what Admiral Byrd revealed. However, he said a great deal on that Longines infomerical many years ago. Brooks A. Agnew (Ark of Millions of Years) tried to tell everyone.

@white.apple.design(@white.apple.design) Researching and asking questions, even on apparently absurd topics, that's real science right there! "BELIEVE NOTHING, QUESTION EVERYTHING!"

@guyfromnj(@guyfromnj) Wouldn’t it be something if all this UFO stuff going on right now weren’t from other worlds but from inner earth?

@christophersaughter8097(@christophersaughter8097) I wouldn’t be surprised. There’s so much stuff hidden from us.

@JamesNGames(@JamesNGames) While Zahi Hawass [Egypt's director of antiquities] has made significant contributions to the field of Egyptology, there are concerns about his approach to preserving and promoting Egyptian artifacts. Some experts argue that his emphasis on sensationalism and grandiose projects may overshadow the importance of careful conservation and scholarly research. Additionally, there have been criticisms of his authoritarian style and lack of transparency in managing archaeological sites and collections. For instance, there have been reports that he blocked the publication of drone footage and photos of archaeological sites, which could have provided valuable insights and information to the public. As Egypt continues to face challenges in protecting its rich cultural heritage, it is important to consider different perspectives and approaches to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of these invaluable artifacts.

Adam Weidl(Adam Weidl) After Admiral Byrd went there, they [the US government] signed a treaty with twelve countries not allowing anyone access ever. That’s a fact.

@phantomspartan6046(@phantomspartan6046) I believe it because ever since I heard of the hollow earth theory I have always thought that humans should explore the inside of earth.

@shaekurlelo7455(@shaekurlelo7455) The town I grew up in in Canada, Flin Flon, was named after the main character of the novel The Sunless City. That character takes a submarine into an underground lake and stumbles across an advanced, underground city. Also Greenland still has forests, which were more widespread during warmer periods.

@echoxstreamimg6483(@echoxstreamimg6483) When Tucker Carlson was on Fox News, he did a bit about alien ships living under our oceans. These ships clocked in at unbelievable speeds as they disappeared from military radar. I wonder if there is any connection. In addition, I could write a book on this subject. However, this is neither the time nor the place.

@PC_Principle(@PC_Principle) I'll never understand why they don't use a drone to investigate the pyramids

@The.Kraken(@The.Kraken) Ridddle's videos are so addictive, it's like [I suffer] withdrawal while waiting for his next work of art 🤤

@sarahruggiero1609(@sarahruggiero1609) So cool! I believe it, too! We have so much shite hidden from us. 😮😂

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