Sunday, June 25, 2023

"Family Guy" dares to go there (cartoon)

I. Rony, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Profanity, adult themes, R or X rated, frank mention of s*x! Not suitable for children.

We Now Return To...
How to get rich: Seth MacFarlane
(AmericanDad & FamilyGuy) Dear FOX TV, where does multi-millionaire Seth MacFarlane (and Crew) come off with such obscenity, harsh honesty, and vulgar crassness?

I don't mind for myself. I'm not a prude. It's the children I'm worried about! Think of kids! Being exposed to such depictions of real-life celebrities and their foibles, it's just not right! Protect the children. I demand this show be cancelled. I know I stand and speak for moral adults everywhere.

With firm resolve in my convictions, yours truly, Anonymous

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