Friday, June 30, 2023

Native American SEX before Europeans

Bizarre secrets about the sex lives of Native Americans
(History with Nanji) April 15, 2023. For the American Indian (Aboriginal, Native, Indigenous) people of North America, sex was not associated with guilt.

Hey, everyone, the Jesuits are here to help us.
The Wendat (Huron) are an Aboriginal people whose descendants live in four communities across North America -- Quebec, Michigan, Kansas, and Oklahoma -- and separately across the continent. Their ancestors of the 17th century became well-known in Europe because of the writings of Catholic Jesuit missionaries who lived with them, studying them, learning as much as they could in order for the Vatican to be able to crush, conquer, and colonize them.

"Kinky" sex lives of the Cherokee tribe🔥

(Essential White History V) June 25, 2023. In the heart of the Cherokee tribe, women were highly revered for their wisdom and abilities.

From a young age, Cherokee girls were taught how to cook, sew, and care for themselves and their families. They were also taught how to be heads of households, to farm and hunt to feed their families.

Males had different roles in society, such as being warriors or hunters, but the females of the tribe held more importance, as it was a matrilineal society.

Marriage expectations in Cherokee society were different from Western culture. Women were free to choose their own husbands. They could even practice polygamy if they wanted to.

However, it was common for young women to wait until they had finished their education before getting married.

The young men of the tribe would often bring gifts or hunt for food as a way of showing their love and respect for a particular woman. Europeans brought sexism, patriarchy, and male dominance.

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