Friday, June 23, 2023

U.S. president to reveal ETs and UFOs (video)

Nexus, June 16, 2023; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

President to reveal space aliens and UFOs this summer: Here’s why
Disclosure already happened. You weren't told.
(Nexus) David Grusch, a confirmed whistleblower and senior member of the U.S. Air Force, has allegedly broken ranks to sensationally reveal that the U.S. military has recovered space alien bodies and UFOs (flying saucers, vimanas, UAPs), but has been hiding it from the public for decades. There has been a "truth embargo" since Pres. Harry Truman.

When US gov't discloses that they exist, they will still lie about the nature of visitations.

Do gov'ts reverse-engineer spacecraft?
With Grusch among several senior members of the military expected to testify in front of Congress, a panel of guests believe we may know for sure if aliens exist as soon as this summer. Pres. B.S. Obama refused to be the one to break it to the world live on TV, even after Dr. Steven Greer, MD (Disclosure Project and on GAIA TV) briefed and him and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She stood up to stop the briefing, according to Dr. Greer, because as a lawyer she wanted the Obama administration to have plausible deniability to later be able to claim they never knew about official government interaction with ETs.
  • It has been going on for a long time. Back in ancient India, rulers were contacted by what are in Buddhism called akasha-devas (celestial "shining ones") and asuras (titans), nagas (reptilians) and rakshasas (spirits) and yakkhas (ogres), suparnas (garudas, avians) and kumbandhas (trolls, gnomes). There are also the shapeshifters and pretas (ghosts). Any of these beings might be thought of as "demons," depending on how they behave as individuals, but that is too broad a label and does not refer to narakas (hellions) and wardens in actual subhuman worlds below the animal plane.

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