Friday, June 23, 2023

What is Zen Buddhism? (video)

Let's Talk Religion, June 4, 2023; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
How Zen is zen (jhana, dhyana, Chan)? One need not go to Asia. Focus here. Absorb now.

(Let's Talk Religion) This video continues exploring the rich spiritual tradition of Buddhism through one of its most popular and important schools, Chinese Chan/Japanese Zen.

Let's dive into the history and development of the school, as well as its characteristic teachings about meditation, koans [paradoxical riddles that pull one out of linear thinking], liberation, and Buddha-nature.

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 03:39 Basics of Buddhism
  • 04:56 East Asian Buddhism (Mahayana)
  • 13:19 The Origins of Chan
  • 17:22 Bodhidharma
  • 20:17 Teachings and Practices of Chan
  • 33:49 Chan's relationship to Taoism
  • 35:31 Later developments and subschools
  • 37:50 Japanese Zen and Dogen
  • 41:16 Chan/Zen today and conclusions
Support Let's Talk Religion on Patreon ( or through a one-time donation: Also check out the Let's Talk Religion Podcast: Most of my music can be found here: Filip Holm: Zini: Sources/Suggested Reading: Chuang Zhi (2019). "Exploring Chán: An Introduction to the Religious and Mystical Tradition of Chinese Buddhism." Songlark Publishing. Hershock, Peter D. (2004). "Chan Buddhism". University of Hawaii Press. Red Pine (translated by) (1989). "The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma". North Point Press. Red Pine (translated by) (2002). "The Diamond Sutra". Counterpoint. Red Pine (translated by) (2008). "The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-neng". Counterpoint. Westerhoff, Jan (2009). "Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction". Oxford University Press. Ziporyn, Brook (2016). "Emptiness and Omnipresence: An essential introduction to Tiantai Buddhism". Indiana University Press.  #zen #buddhism #china

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