Sunday, July 30, 2023

Blonde blue-eyed giants of Catalina Island

Dark5 Ancient Mysteries, July 28, 2023; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ancient Giants in America: The Mysterious Blonde Hair Blue-Eyed Giants of Catalina Island
(Dark5 Ancient Mysteries) A fascinating and highly controversial chapter of prehistoric America is said to have been found on the sun-drenched shores of Santa Catalina Island, off the coast of modern Los Angeles, Southern California.

Yes, but did these titans (asuras) surf?
Hidden among the quiet beaches and rolling hills, there allegedly lies proof of an ancient race of fair-haired giants, taller and more robust than the modern humans.

Identified through the discovery of giant skeletons, these giants (titans, asuras, Nephilim, Tongva, Chumash, "the beautiful people," early Irish?) are said to have possessed technology far advanced for the time.
This assertion has sparked a vivid debate among scholars, archeologists, and enthusiasts alike.

Meanwhile, a more widely accepted archeological treasure resides just north on Santa Rosa Island — the Arlington Springs Man.

Discovered in 1959, it is the oldest known human skeleton in North America. These remains, belonging to a man who roamed the Earth over 13,000 years ago, have significantly enriched our understanding of early human migration patterns and life in prehistoric North America.

What are the stories of these discoveries that have contributed to the compelling mystery of our human past and the eternal quest for our origins?

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