Saturday, July 22, 2023

Judeo-Christian God told me to KILL you

Paul Wallis, June 22, 2023; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Alien space father comes down to yell at human creation. Jesus never honored that Guy.

Did Jesus worship Yahweh (YHWH) Jehovah? | ET contact vs. religion
(Paul Wallis) Did Jesus worship Yahweh? Is the God of the Hebrew scriptures (aka the Old Testament of the Bible) the same as the God about whom Jesus preached and taught?

Oh, God, please do not ask us to make more war.
For nearly 2,000 years the mainstream of Christianity has acted as if they are the same two beings. However, evidence in the Gospels and New Testament present a very different view.

During his controversial tenure, Pope Benedict XVI insisted that the name "Yahweh" should not be used in prayers and liturgies in the churches "because Yahweh is not a Christian name for God."

In The Eden Conspiracy Wallis presents evidence from within the Jewish/Christian texts themselves that in the beginning Yahweh was not even a Hebrew name for God.

Yahweh was something else altogether. If Yahweh were an "ET" or an alien "colonizer," as Wallis argues in the Eden Series, then where is Jesus in this picture?

Did Jesus know that? Is the truth staring us in the face, hidden in plain sight? Also enjoy:
For copy of THE EDEN CONSPIRACY or copy of THE SCARS OF EDENgo to For COACHING go to To SUPPORT Paul Wallis, subscribe to

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