Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Meditation on ultimate objects (Beth Upton)

Beth Upton (bethupton.com); Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Discerning materiality near and far
(Beth Upton) July 17, 2023. Here Beth Upton (formerly the British Buddhist nun in Burma Sayalay Anutara) speaks about discerning ultimate-materiality (rupa) near and far. This means seeing kalapas (the "particles of perception") directly. To do so, jhanas ("meditative absorptions") are necessary because these states of stillness and calm purify and intensify the mind, enabling it to see what was never previously possible to see.

The final stage of the discernment of materiality to check for completeness

These videos are only made possible by generous donations. Please consider supporting Upton's work: bethupton.com/support-my-work. Become a patron: patreon.com/bethupton. Find out more about her work at bethupton.com.

Shot by Alexis P.N. @GuavaFunk: laffcotchtv Contact: alexispn777@gmail.com.

The masculine and feminine (sex) kalapas

What about transgender people, what kind of sex kalapas do they have, masculine or feminine? Is it the same as XY and XX chromosomes? Since they are born of karma (deeds in past lives), why is it someone is born one sex but uncomfortable or unhappy in it? Such unhappiness with encouragement leads to transitioning and de-transitioning, so did Nature make a mistake in assigning or designating us one sex at birth? Contact Beth Upton via Zoom interview, her monthly full moon uposatha gatherings open to all, or group Q&A to find out as others discuss their practice.

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