Thursday, July 20, 2023

RFK Jr. censored and silenced by gov't (video)

RFK Jr. speaks out against democratic attempts to SILENCE him at hearing on social media censorship: Rising Interview
(The Hill) July 20, 2023. #RFKJr #2024 Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave have an exclusive interview with 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK). For more information on the Kennedy 2024 campaign, visit

According to the CDC [a completely unbiased source, oh no, wait, a completely biased source of government propaganda], all COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States are [cool and] effective at preventing COVID-19. Getting sick with COVID-19 [even after being vaxxed] can offer some protection from future illness, sometimes called “natural immunity,” but the level of protection people get from having COVID-19 may vary depending on how mild or severe their illness was [so why not be super cool and get a lot of boosts or reinjections], the time since their infection, and their age. More

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