Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Sillness+Insight @ Empty Cloud Monastery

Abbot Ven. Sudddhaso and guest monk; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(Buddhist Insights @ Empty Cloud) Sangha Panel: Samādhi (stillness, calm, concentration) and vipassana (insight, wisdom, liberating-knowledge) are two topics of utmost importance in early Buddhism.

This panel was streamed live on April 5, 2023. The Sangha ("Monastic Community") at Empty Cloud discusses samādhi and vipassana, which can be taken up in earnest every week on the lunar observance or uposatha day. This was highly recommended by the historical Buddha -- daily practice with weekly intensive practice, staying overnight in the monastery to make a concerted effort at attainments in calm and insight, book understanding and actual firsthand practice.

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