Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Study: U.S. religious “nones” and “dones”

PsyPost via, 7/12/23; Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Buddha did make such a do not depict rule, but Afghanistan/Gandhara depicted him.

"I am filled with Christ's love!" - "No, Mom, you and Dad are friggin hypocrites."

New study identifies key difference between religious “nones” and religious “dones”
This is BS. I'm gonna watch the game. - In Hell!
Formerly religious [North American] individuals are more likely to experience a lack of belongingness compared to those who were never religious, and this feeling of not fitting in predicts an increased tendency to conceal their nonreligious identity by keeping it separate from their public persona.

In this house you do as I say God says to do!
That is the key finding from a new study published in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, which analyzed data from three culturally distinct countries.

Religion is an important aspect of personal and social identity for many individuals. It has a significant influence on how people think, feel, and interact with others
APA PsycNet
However, there has been a growing trend of people disassociating themselves from religious traditions. In fact, religiously unaffiliated individuals make up a sizable religious group in North America and most European countries.

“Previous work suggests that nonreligious people who used to be religious (“religious dones”) differ from nonreligious people who have never identified as religious (“religious nones”) on certain psychological characteristics,” explained study author Cameron D. Mackey (@CameronDMackey1), a doctoral (Ph.D.) candidate in social psychology at Ohio University.

Maybe somewhere there's a religious path for me
“For example, currently religious individuals have unsurprisingly positive attitudes toward God. However, religious nones hold significantly more negative attitudes toward God compared to religious dones, whose attitudes fall between those of currently religious and never religious individuals.” More

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