Saturday, July 22, 2023

Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift-Bizkit (nu metal)

Nick Lutsko, May 13, 2019; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

I wish I were sexy, boohoo (GQ)
Sex sells. Are the fans buying? Santa Clara to change its name to Swiftie Clara in honor of female pop star Taylor Swift, and attendees will be hypnotized, indoctrinated, and left with amnesia, which the media will explain away as a thing that happens naturally when one is excited about being at an event, you know. You know how you forget things you pay so much money to attend? You know. C'mon, everybody knows it's normal to just black out at a concert and forget what went on. C'mon. She didn't get to be the highest paid singer with the most hits by talent. Something else is hard at work carrying her to financial success.

Taylor Swift (the bestselling female singer ever) as a Limp Bizkit song
(Nick Lutsko) Taylor Swift is a "Nazi Barbie," Paglia famously commented. She's a corporation. She's a nut. So this song was made. Composed, performed, and edited by Nick Lutsko.

(Hefner) Hated Fred Durst does a good job on "Nookie" w/ Limp Bizkit

Follow on Spotify:,,, Website: Graphic design by Jesse Benjamin: Produced by Jason Richards and Super Deluxe. Super Deluxe deleted all of Nick Lutsko's old videos, so he's re-uploaded them. Cheers!

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